Sunday, December 7, 2008

Save the Planet and Win Injects Some Fun Into the Battle Against Global Warming

BERKELEY, CA, Dec 05, 2008 (MARKET WIRE via COMTEX) -- Save the Planet and Win launched its new environmental website and social network that lets everyone lower their carbon footprint, help reduce global warming, and participate in a worldwide collective -- while having some fun and winning prizes and cash along the way.

At Save the Planet and Win, people can calculate, monitor, and reduce their own carbon footprint by participating in free green and social marketing promotions, in addition to the option of purchasing verified carbon offsets at the site's Carbon Offset Store. Save the Planet and Win represents the first Voluntary Personal Carbon Registry (VPCR) in the United States.

Save the Planet and Win also features a Carbon Collective -- where members can join friends, family, and co-workers to track the total carbon reductions achieved by the collective. Other social aspects of the site include the ability to share sustainable solutions, post every day tips (and videos) for reducing carbon emissions, and talk about the issues with a community of green-minded folks.

The new website rewards both the planet and its members. There are multiple chances to win, including a weekly sweepstakes and Click Green and Win promotions. Members watch a green-focused message from one of Save the Planet's sponsors and in return the sponsor makes a points donation to the member's account. Points can be used to purchase carbon offsets to achieve carbon neutrality, donated toward a social cause (ranging from reforestation projects in Mexico or the International AIDS Vaccine Initiative), or members can choose to cash in their points for actual dollars.

"We know that global climate change is having and will have an enormous impact on the earth -- from rising sea levels, flooding, and increased storm activity to a rise in diseases like malaria and major changes in ecosystems and habitats. However, at an individual level, the concept of combating this trend can seem quite overwhelming," said Luis Daniel Prestamo, COO at Save the Planet and Win.

"Save the Planet and Win makes the important work of fighting global warming, such as reducing greenhouse emissions and investing green projects, more understandable and personal for each of us. The website uses the power of community to help encourage everyone to make seemingly small changes in their daily lives that can have a big impact on the earth. By sharing our green accomplishments, we can increase environmental awareness, inspire others to make a difference, and become inspired ourselves," Prestamo continued.

In 2007, the United Nations' Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that the evidence of a warming trend is "unequivocal" and that human activity is "very likely" the key contributor for the warming that's already been observed. The report found that we have to cut our greenhouse emissions by 85% by the year 2050 in order to stabilize the earth's atmosphere and avoid the worst impacts of global warming.

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